An overview of the Deep Cleaning Process
Scrubbing the bathroom down till it seems like your fingers will fall off, wiping down windows, disinfecting every shelf in the kitchen, sore knees from trying to vacuum dirt from every crevice in each room. Ring any bells? Ah yes, the annual festive deep cleaning that we all fiercely dread. It’s a necessary evil the whole family gets roped in somehow because one person will surely collapse from exhaustion. Half the time, you have to make do with makeshift cleaning equipment or borrow from here and there. And it’s not like you only have to sacrifice one day, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? No, it’s not a day but the whole week! You start with one room and slowly move to the next. By the time everything gets done, the festive spirit has shriveled up and died. All you feel like doing is a massage and sleeping for a week straight.